Serving All communities since 1990.
We look forward to speaking with you at [email protected]
Most items are shipped directly to the customer from our supplier’s factory or warehouse in the United States.
We ship using the US Post Office, FedEx or UPS. Most items display its likely method of shipment. Additionally, an email outlining the shipping details, including Delivery Time, is sent to the customer when we begin processing the submitted order, which is usually within one business day.
Most items are delivered to the customer in 5-7 business days, often sooner.
While the Delivery-Time goals continue to be met in the vast majority of cases, some orders will experience delays beyond that indicated due to unforeseen circumstances. In these cases, we keep the customer informed of their order’s delay. If an item has not arrived before the end of the specified Delivery Time, the customer should e-mail us at [email protected]
In the very rare case of a package that has gone AWOL, we accept the shipper’s (UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc) representation of the package’s status.
If you received an incorrect or damaged item, we apologize. Please contact us right away so that we can make things right. [email protected]
Packages should be inspected for the correctness and damaged items as soon as possible.
Damaged or incorrect items must be brought to our attention within 24 hours of receiving the order.
When items are returned they must include the original packaging, paperwork, your name, order number, the reason for the return.
U.S. Postage (Lower 48)
Most items delivered in 5-7 business days.